Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's not that hard..

I don't understand. I just do NOT get it.

Disclaimer: If you're not in the mood for a rant, then leave now. On second thought, why'd you even come to this blog then? All this blog is just me ranting. Dumb on your part.

Here I am, enjoying a nice evening of television, mindlessly staring off into the abyss. Then something really toasts my muffin. The movie "Shark Night 3D" is the next big thriller. Massive amounts of sharks descend on a group of friends partying for the weekend. (In order to even think of survival in a scary movie, you have to remember the rules. 1) Don't have sex. 2) I don't remember the rest, but not having sex is a big one. Anyone who has sex in a scary movie is 100% likely to die)

Rant time: Most scary movies have a villain that you can't escape. All the good ones do anyway. But Shark Night? SHARKS ARE THE MONSTERS?! How hard is it to escape a shark? They don't hide under your bed, or in the closet. They can't chase you into the woods. They can only survive in water. So how hard is it to escape a shark? Get out of the damn water.

Boom. Movie over.

But no, these kids are dumb. They go back in.

I just don't understand...Why America? Why would you see this movie. Why would you make this movie? Step up your game a bit..

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