Thursday, August 25, 2011

DON'T put a ring on it...

Ahh adult life. Graduating college. Growing up. Moving to new homes. Getting married. Wait...roll that back.

Getting married?!

I'm 22 years old, is marriage something I should really be thinking about right now? No. I should be thinking about how the hell I'm going to pay the rent as a server (unless I can talk my landlord into accepting delicious Italian food....) not to mention starting to pay student loans in December (shaking fist in anger). It's not like I HAVEN'T thought about getting married, I'm a girl for god sakes, most of us have been wedding planning since we were three. But I'm not about to get married right out of college. WHO HAS THE MONEY FOR THAT?!!!?! But props to the people who do I guess, and the ones that make it actually work, more power to you. On to the real rant though..

Two signs you shouldn't be getting married:
1) If I can't tell if you're wearing a prom dress or a wedding dress -- my first response to that situation: really?? REALLY?? really...*sigh* Are you really going have no regrets when you're 50 and show your potential kids the pictures from your wedding ("Look kids! Mommy had her wedding dress bedazzled!") I'm not saying sparkly is bad at all (I love sparkly things..thanks ADHD) but there's a limit on why type of jewels we're talking about, and there has to be a limit. Like I said, if it looks like something you pull off the rack at Von Maur (Or for us Western Iowans, JC Penney's) then you probably shouldn't be wearing it to your wedding. Just saying.

2) If your wedding album on FB is titled "~~**My WeDdInG!!**~~

....This one is pretty self-explanitory. If I have to explain what's wrong with this, you're one of those people.

I'm not saying marriage is wrong. Do whatever you want. I don't care. As long as I'm invited I'm cool. I tear a dance floor up. I was born for wedding receptions. I leave you with this:

Two reasons to get married (According to Gabi Miller)
1) Cake
2) Open Bar

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nickname Contest!

So, it has recently come to my attention that a few nick names have been invented for my by the few that read this blog on occasion. Thats pretty neat! (Please, Please, Please check out "Neature Walk" on youtube. totally worth it.) Some of the few are Rubber, and Mands. I'm looking for something a little more creative. Winner gets a prize!

....Lets be honest. It'll pry just be a butt pat or high five. But then you get to come in contact with my magical man it might be worth it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's not that hard..

I don't understand. I just do NOT get it.

Disclaimer: If you're not in the mood for a rant, then leave now. On second thought, why'd you even come to this blog then? All this blog is just me ranting. Dumb on your part.

Here I am, enjoying a nice evening of television, mindlessly staring off into the abyss. Then something really toasts my muffin. The movie "Shark Night 3D" is the next big thriller. Massive amounts of sharks descend on a group of friends partying for the weekend. (In order to even think of survival in a scary movie, you have to remember the rules. 1) Don't have sex. 2) I don't remember the rest, but not having sex is a big one. Anyone who has sex in a scary movie is 100% likely to die)

Rant time: Most scary movies have a villain that you can't escape. All the good ones do anyway. But Shark Night? SHARKS ARE THE MONSTERS?! How hard is it to escape a shark? They don't hide under your bed, or in the closet. They can't chase you into the woods. They can only survive in water. So how hard is it to escape a shark? Get out of the damn water.

Boom. Movie over.

But no, these kids are dumb. They go back in.

I just don't understand...Why America? Why would you see this movie. Why would you make this movie? Step up your game a bit..