Thursday, March 31, 2011


It's official. The zombie apocalypse is coming.

Thats what I decided today anyways during photography. How else do you explain all this crazy shit thats happening in the world. First an earthquake in Haiti. Then a bunch of fish die. Wham bam Japan is a messed up with a tsunami. The only reasonable explanation is an impending zombie outbreak. I'm convinced that it will start at my college too. Wartburg is a pretty small place, so I know quite a few people.  Over the past few weeks I've come to notice that people are becoming sick. (I know you're saying "Gabi, they just have the flu, it's that time of the year.") Well, you want to know my thoughts? The first stage is denial. If you aren't going to be prepared for people trying to eat you alive, then that's your problem. I tried to warn you. Even I've noticed the effects (I'm starting to turn into one, but I got antibiotics, so I'll be fine).

So during photography we had a short break, I walked upstairs to get a drink, and I run into a classmate. But he doesn't seem right. His mouth is somewhat slack-jawed, eyes glazed over, and staggering about. First stage zombie for sure. Called it as soon as I saw it. I wont be surprised when I start hearing a call for brains soon. And not in the way of a academic student who could be termed at a "brain," but for straight up brains. Like the stuff in your skull.

So prepare yourself. Hide your kids, hide your wife. Grab your powdered food (you do have that stocked, right? I mean COME ON, everyone has powdered food nowadays) and load up your sawed off shot gun. Zombie season is close upon us.

Disclaimer: I don't believe zombies are actually coming. But if they were I'm TOTALLY prepared. I've seen so many zombie movies that survival will basically be second nature to me. And it's not like I have a survival guide either in case of a zombie war/apocalypse...........


  1. You should get the Zombie Survival Guide. And then World War Z. Both are awesome.

  2. yeah gabi you've gone off the deep end
