Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm baaaack

No, I'm not dead. 

I've just been really busy avoiding doing anything other than what I have to do for classes. College may be the best years of your life, but the last semester sucks balls. So much stress, finding a job, passing my classes, etc that I've just been putting new posts off. I've had some weird dreams, don't get me wrong, just haven't transcribed them into word form

But to the point. I've decided that yeah, a blog about my dreams is cool, but I like to say lots of stuff! So basically I'm going to write about things that I think are funny. I think I'm funny. So why not write about myself? I can also thank starting up this blog again to Hyperbole and a half. Check it out. Pure comedy

So hopefully, if you're still following this, a lot more posts will be coming your way, and a few more laughs will be coming to your life. 

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