Friday, August 27, 2010

Veggie Scampi!

So I work at a restaurant, and being vegetarian, I only have one entree option, the Veggie Scampi, which is delicious by the way. Anyways, now that you know that...

It's the end of the night at Water Street Grill, and I only have one thing on my mind. Veggie Scampi. Only one thing, I'm broke. Like straight up broke. So I can't afford to buy it. (sad face, I know right?) So, I have all the stuff to make it at home, but I have NO idea how to do it. So I go up to my boss and BEG for the recipe. Wont stop bothering him until he gives it to me. Well he wont. So what do I do? I decide I need to break into the restaurant and steal the recipe! So i'm decked out just like the hamburglar, tip toeing around the kitchen, trying to get that recipe. All of a sudden all the lights come on, and I'm at a party with the staff from WSG. So we decide we need to go to the bar, and I'm walking and all of a sudden, someone grabs my hand. I'm way confused. It's one of the cooks from water street, and he wont let go of my hand. Then that fast forward movement happens, and all of a sudden we're living together..then married..

then I wake up. asking myself again.."what did I eat last night?!..."

Zombies from 1776

So here I am..hanging out with a bunch of my friends, driving around town. What town, I'm not sure but regardless we're driving. We decide to stop out at this HUGE farm mansion and have a party. We're all having a good time, some of us playing video games, others of us swimming in this pool. As I'm swimming, I look off into the distance and notice a larger group of people heading towards us. Thinking its just some neighbors of the house we're at, I blow it off. Soon enough I realize, these aren't neighbors. They are zombies. And not only are they zombies. They are zombies from the British Army. Yeah, red coats and everything. Needless to say, I'm Uber confused. All of a sudden they start talking to us, like it's completely normal. So we all go with it. Partying with zombies, not a big deal. Anyways, I'm talking to one of the zombies, and one of the girl zombies that came with them start staggering towards me with the whole "brains, brain" schpeel. I decide that I need to push her down. The zombie guys didn't like that so much. So what started out as good, turns bad, fast, and next thing I know I'm sneaking around the mansion trying to save my friends. Except as I get them all out, they proceed to leave me behind. Great friends huh? So here I am, running across farm land in the middle of nowhere. Just as I think I've escaped the Brits, BAM! I'm surrounded. Awesome. And right as they are about to attack...

I wake up. and say.."What did I eat last night?"

The beginning

So you're wondering...why the heck is my blog title "What did I eat last night.."?

It's what I say almost EVERY morning. I can thank my mom's side of the family for that. On the Bradshaw side we have two traits, 1) being clumsy, and 2) having weird dreams (mom also blames what we eat right before going to bed for our dreams, hence me asking what I ate last night) . A blog about being a walking hazard could be somewhat interesting, but thats not the point of this one. I'll probably throw in a few stories about the fumbles my family has had, but I'm really here to fill you in on my dreams. I was telling one of my friends about the recent dreams I've had, and she said I HAD to post them somehow. 

So this is where we begin. This is me, telling anyone about what weird, strange, scary things go on in my subconscious. Some might be in more detail than others, for your own good. Some might crack you up. Others will lead you to believe that I may be a little crazy. It's whatever. I can't control my dreams, but I can let everyone enjoy them!